How to use this documentation

The celix Zones Plugin documentation is split into different sections.

Zones Use Case and Concept Guide

If you are new to the celix Zones Plugin and are evaluating if and how you can use it to meet your requirements, you want to take a look into the Zones Use Case and Concept Guide. We have documented the most common ways how to configure and use the Plugin. Several of our customers are actively using these configurations.

Zones User Guide

The Zones User Guide describes how to use the Zones Plugin. JIRA Administrators or JIRA Project Administrators may refer users to this section, but will probably need additional Documentation for their users, how zones is used in their installation

Zones Administrator Guide

You have decided to evaluate or use the celix Zones Plugin? You may have forgotten how you did configure that particular thing? The Zones Administration Guide provides a reference on how to install and configure the celix Zones Plugin.

Zones Knowledge Base

Sometimes using the celix Zones Plugin is not always problem free. In the Zones Knowledge Base we provide additional information to known problems and Workarounds. We also provide some "behind the scenes" information on how and why the celix Zones Plugin works the way it does.