Upgrading Universal Plugin Manager disables Zones Plugin

Upgrading Universal Plugin Manager disables Zones Plugin


After upgrading the Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager in JIRA, the zones Plugin is suddenly disabled. Re-enabling the Plugin does not succeed. In the JIRA log files you may find something similar like this:

Could not execute action [CelixZonesConfig!default]:Cannot autowire object because the Spring context is unavailable. Ensure your 
OSGi bundle contains the 'Spring-Context' header.<p><small><small><pre>java.lang.IllegalStateException:
 Cannot autowire object because the Spring context is unavailable. 
Ensure your OSGi bundle contains the 'Spring-Context' header. at 
com.atlassian.plugin.osgi.factory.OsgiPluginInstalledHelper.assertSpringContextAvailable(OsgiPluginInstalledHelper.java:214) at com.atlassian.plugin.osgi.factory.OsgiPluginInstalledHelper.autowire(OsgiPluginInstalledHelper.java:118)


We are not entirely sure why and how this error is triggered. It is not reproducible for us. If you have further information on how to reproduce this error please contact us at support@celix.at .

To resolve this error you may try one or more of the following:

Reinstall the Plugin

Uninstall the Plugin in JIRA Plugin Manager. No Data will be lost during this process, but re-indexing JIRA will be necessary. Afterwards install the Plugin through the Plugin Manager.

Restart JIRA

Restart JIRA Application.

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