Zones and External JIRA User Directories

Zones and External JIRA User Directories

The celix Zones Plugin is designed to be as compatible with external User Directories as possible. For more details on how to configure JIRA user management take a look at Atlassian Documentation.

Directory allows creation and changing of groups

If you have more than one Crowd Directory connected to JIRA, you must be able to create and change groups in each of them.

If you have configured Crowd such that JIRA is able to create and change groups, you can use the zones Plugin without any limitations.

Directory doesn't allow creation and changing of groups

If JIRA is not allowed to create or change groups, the zones Plugin has no way to handle adding users to zones. We have created Group Mapping Mode to be able to handle such cases. You will then need to manually create and manage the groups. We know that maintaining zones groups by hand is a big drawback, therefore you may want to take a look at the following alternatives:

  • Manage only groups
  • Only delegate Authentication

We generally do not give support in the wiki or on Atlassian Marketplace. Please use our Support JIRA instead.
The only exception to this is questions regarding the documentation. Please use the comment-system to ask questions concerning the documentation.