Zones for Teams

Zones for Teams

Problem Statement

You have several development Teams that work on many products, but not every team works on every product. You have one JIRA Project for every product. In your Issue-triage you want to first specify the team, which should work on an Issue. Sometimes you also want to assign a specific person from a team, but it is painful to remember names and looking them up is too time-consuming. Currently it is a lot of work to create all the Team-Dashboards, which are essentially the same but use different filters, to only show the relevant issues for a team. Changes to your dashboard must be made on every single dashboard.


Each Team is its own Zone. Zones/Teams can be easily enabled or disabled for a product/JIRA project in your JIRA Project Administration screen. Your users will have two additional customfields on their screen: One to select the Team of an Issue (Zone Field) and one to select a Team member of the currently selected Team as an assignee (Zone User Picker). The celix Zones Plugin allows to create filters, that show only the issues relevant to your teams. Therefore dashboards can be created once and be reused for all teams.


  • Intuitive zones-UI for managing Teams and Teammembers
  • Selectbox or Autocomplete to select members of an already selected Team
  • One single personalized dashboard for all developers (reduced maintenance for changes on dashboard or Teams)


For details on how to configure Zones Plugin take a look at the Zones Administration Guide. In each configuration section below we provide links to the documentation on how to configure.


Customfield NameCustomfield TypeConfiguration
TeamZone Field 
Team AssigneeZone User PickerDepends on Team, No Zone Role restriction

You may want to take a look at:

Edit and Selectable Zones Permissions

JIRA Project RoleEdit PermissionZones in Zone Field
AdministratorsAllowAll Zones
DevelopersDenyOwn Zones

Own Zones

You may want to take a look at:

Zone Role Mapping

JIRA Project RoleZone Role "Team Member"

You may want to take a look at:

Dashboards and Filters

You can probably reuse most of your already defined filters. You just need to replace your currently used team selector with the following snippet:

Team in myZones()

You may want to take a look at:

Team/Zone management

You may want to take a look at:

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